Welcome to Woodpeckers 2023 - 2024!
Mr Price, Miss Richards and Mrs Safiotti.
(Mr Price teaches on Monday, Tuesday and Wenesday and Miss Richards teaches on Thursdays and Friday).
We have PE on Tuesdays this term. PE kits are to be worn on Tuesdays only as Thursday's swimming replaces the second PE session.
Please come to school dressed in the appropriate PE kit on Tuesday only and bring in swimming gear (swimming wear, towels and any swimming hats or goggles etc as needed) on Thursdays.
Homework is set each week on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. This is set on the homework tab on the website.
It should be completed neatly in your homework book in blue/black pen or in a pencil.
Please see Term 1 tab below for year 4 targets.
- All children are expected to read 5 times per week minimum.
- Homework Diaries should be in school EVERYDAY. Your reads will be counted on a Monday.
- You must have a parental signature at the end of every week.
- Children can bring in a book from home, choose one from the library or choose one from our class book shelf.
- 5 reads and a parental signature will earn you a raffle ticket each week! The raffle tickets go into a box and at the end of term one lucky winner will be drawn out who will then go on the bookshop visit to buy a book for their class.
Times Table Rockstars login details are in your homework diaries.
Below are the statutory spelling lists for Year 3/4. It is very important that you practise these often!
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Term 5
Term 6