Bemerton St John CofE Primary School

Meet the Teacher

We will be holding "Meet the Teacher" sessions for parents of all children in Years 1 - 6 during the second week of term.

For those who have not been to one before, this is a short meeting after school, where your child's new teacher will give a brief overview of the class's learning and activities for the coming year. You will have the chance to ask questions and/or raise any concerns you may have.


Dates are as follows:

  • Tuesday 10th September - Year 2 and Year 3
  • Wednesday 11th September - Year 1 and Year 6
  • Thursday 12th September - Year 4 and Year 5

All will take place in the classroom at 3.30pm and will last approximately 30 minutes.


We have scheduled the meetings to minimise the number of parents who will have meetings for more than one child on the same day. Apologies to the few of you who do have a clash; we suggest that you attend the meeting for your oldest child and speak to your younger child(ren)'s teacher if you would like to catch up with them separately. Similarly, if you are unable to make it to your meeting but would like a quick catch up with the teacher, please speak to them at pick up time or email the office, who will pass on your message.