Bemerton St John CofE Primary School


Welcome to Kingfishers 2024-2025.

Miss Reeves, Mrs Bates ( Wednesday afternoons)

Our teaching assistants are Mrs Smith, Mrs Coulshed.

 General Information

Weekly Timetable Term 1

Curriculum overview


We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Please come to school dressed in the appropriate PE kit on these days.


Homework is set each week on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. This is set on the homework tab on the website.
It should be completed neatly in your homework book in a pencil.


  • All children are expected to read 5 times per week minimum.
  • Reading books and reading record books should be in school EVERYDAY in your child's book bag. The number of reads recorded in the record book will be counted on a Monday.
  • An adult signature and an optional comment should be recorded after each read. 
  • 5 reads signed by an adult each time will earn you a raffle ticket each week! The raffle tickets go into a box and at the end of term one lucky winner will be drawn out who will then go on the bookshop visit to buy a book for their class.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about your child's reading or would like some help with how best to support their reading, please speak to the class teacher in the first instance.


Times Table Rockstars login details are in your homework diaries.


Below are the statutory spelling lists for Year 3/4. It is very important that you practise these often!

Year 3/4 spellings

Term 1

Welcome to Kingfishers. We are all looking forward to an amazing first term with you. 

Term 2 

Term 4 

Term 5 

Term 6