Bemerton St John CofE Primary School



By building on their knowledge of computer science and how digital systems work, children are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content. Our computing curriculum also ensures that children become digitally literate – able to use, express themselves and develop their ideas through information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Progression in computing will be assessed throughout each key stage using the National Curriculum statements - through the children’s ability to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study. We assess the children through:

  •  Observing children at work during computing sessions.
  • Questioning the children in relation to their study in order to assess their understanding and comprehension.
  • Assessment/marking the work produced by the children and discussion of their next steps.

Leaders gather knowledge of how the curriculum is being taught through work scrutiny, lesson observations and pupil interviews where children can articulate and demonstrate the skills they have been taught.


We understand that computers and other IT can help pupils make accelerated progress. We support pupils to develop their skills such as researching, typing, editing and art skills. Then we use those skills in cross-curricular work. Our computing curriculum follows the Teach Computing Scheme which enables progression across the school. Every class has a timetabled opportunity to use the computers and Chrome books. We encourage staff to incorporate technology throughout the wider curriculum and use these skills to research and present a range of work in a variety of ways. Each class has access to interactive whiteboards and teaching is delivered using this technology.

Year 1

Term 1


Computing systems and networks -Technology around us

Creating Media -Digital painting

Term 2

Programming A - Moving a robot

Data and Information - Grouping data

Term 3

Creating Media - Digital writing

Programming B - Animations

Year 2

Term 1


Computing systems and networks - Information Technology around us

Creating Media - Digital photography

Term 2

Programming A - Robot algorithms

Data and Information - Pictograms

Term 3

Creating Media - Making music

Programming B- Introductions to quizzes

Year 3

Term 1


Computing systems and networks – Connecting computers

Creating Media – Desktop publishing

Term 2

Programming A – Sequence in music

Data and Information - Branching databases


Term 3

Creating Media – Stop frame animation

Programming B – Events and actions

Year 4

Term 1


Computing systems and networks -The internet

Creating Media – audio editing

Term 2

Programming A – Repetition in shapes

Data and Information - Data logging

Term 3

Creating Media – Photo editing

Programming B – Repetition in shapes

Year 5

Term 1


Computing systems and networks – Sharing Information

Creating Media – Video editing

Term 2

Programming A – Selection in physical computing

Data and Information – Flat file databases

Term 3

Creating Media – Vector drawing

Programming B – Selection in quizzes

Year 6

Term 1


Computing systems and networks - Communication

Creating Media – Web page creation

Term 2

Programming A – Variables in games

Data and Information – Introduction to spreadsheets


Term 3

Creating Media - 3D modelling

Programming B - Sensing


The materials used to plan and teach computing ensure that children know how to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly at age related expectations and results in the desired impact of children acquiring knowledge, understanding and an ability to apply their computing learning.

Children are assessed in line with curriculum requirements, through teacher judgements, and outcomes are recorded on our online assessment system at the end of each term. Children will leave our school with a love of computing learning and have the confidence to implement these skills in everyday situations - ready for future challenges.